Look to your past to pre-pave your future

If you are wondering where do I go from here? Think about what built your raving fans in the first place. Double down on the feedback you have heard and the patterns you see. Don't reinvent the wheel, look to your past to pre-pave your future.

What is the Problem You Solve?

The #1 marketing must - Tell your customers what problem you are solving for them. In these noisy times remind your customers over and over again what is in it for them.

Knowing your target customer

Think about your idea customer, what are the characteristics you love about them? How can you use those characteristics to direct marketing and advertising efforts to people like them? Sarah Stokes explains in this video!

5 Reasons To Increase Your Advertising During A Downturn

When the stock market is dropping, people are being laid off and businesses are shutting down, it might seem like the wrong time to increase your advertising. But it is essential you turn your thinking away from fear, and toward abundant market dominance.

Here are five reasons why you need to increase your advertising right now, during the downturn.

Your Customer has Changed: The New Five Customer Profiles of 2020

It’s critical you understand that your customer, in just the last few weeks, has changed forever. And if you’re going to survive, much less thrive, you’re going to have to understand how they have changed. We’ve broken the new customers profiles into five segments to help you get your head around who you will be serving in the future.

No or Low Cost Option: Dust Off Your Email List

Now that every single brand under the sun has sent its, “How We Are Handling COVID-19” email to you, things may be quieting down in our inboxes. it may be a time when you can dust off your company’s email list and start to remind your customers or followers why they cared about your company in the first place.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is not dead! ROI on it is $44 for every $1 spent!

Marketing or Advertising?

When you think about marketing and advertising, do you consider them the same thing? Chris and Sarah sit down and go over the differences, how they affect your business and how we can help you maximize your marketing and advertising dollars to make more money!


Traditional Hiring Ads vs. Today’s Techniques

More often than not, our clients are turning to us for new ways to reach new people. For years they’ve been utilizing the traditional means of advertising, but because the market is so competitive, it’s time to meet the new applicants where they’re actually spending their time.